Dear Church,

It’s not a competition.


I miss going to church…..the building filled with believers and nonbelievers who are searching.  I miss the laughter and tears during Sunday school class and the look of the older gentlemen too nervous to come in and check on us. I miss the precious voices of children praying after the children’s sermon. I miss the hugs from those more experienced Christians who offer words of encouragement. I miss welcoming a new believer or family with an AMEN!  and WE WELCOME YOU.  I miss the face of love and adoration of the choir member as she sings to her Savior.


I miss it. I want to get back in that building, to the people I’ve journeyed with the past 16 years and the newest members of our congregation, but I’m not going to rush it. I’m not going to encourage my pastor-husband to open up and get back to normal right now.


I love my church too much for that.


You see, I’m not naive. I know about fake news. I know about exaggerations.  I know about competing and spreading fear.  I’m not willing to encourage poor, rushed decision making just so I can get back to normal. No.  I love my church too much for that.


I love the folks that are going to be there in that building because the doors are open.

I love the children that just want to hug you because its been months since they’ve seen you.

I love our cancer survivors and those still battling.

I love my child with asthma and my anxious child that tries to conceal his fear.

I love my church, God’s people. I love them too much to risk spreading illness.


Overly cautious? Maybe.


But this isn’t a competition. It isn’t to see who can have the most outrageous-getting back to normal service. It isn’t to see who can fill the pews quickly. It isn’t even a fight against the government (did you know there is scripture about how we should respect and obey our leaders).


This is fight about doing the right thing. This is a call to action to serve and love and minister right where you are. So, yes, I get it. We want to get back to church. We want to see our church family and sing our favorite songs.  But as Christians, we are more than a building.  We are the church right where we are.


Let me ask you….

Are you studying your Bible at home?

Are you praying at home?

Are you turning up the iPod to your favorite worship song in the kitchen while you cook or in the yard while you garden?

Are you tuning in to your online services?

Are you reaching out to your Sunday school class?

Have you encouraged your pastor and your church staff for the hours they are putting in to continue to bring God’s word?

Have you sent an encouraging note or email?

Have you called to check on the shut ins?


That’s the church.
It isn’t posting on Facebook that you are defying orders.  It isn’t griping because you can’t be in a building.  It isn’t comparing what one group is doing to what another is doing and trying to look more Christian than someone else.


The church is loving and serving where you are.  Are you doing that?


Let me encourage you:  Don’t make getting back into the building a competition.  Long ago, there was no building,  and even in many places today, there is no building.  People serve and love and minister and worship right where they are. The building doesn’t make the church. It’s the heart….having a heart for the Lord and being obedient where you are.