An Invitation, Not a Book Review

I have a new favorite book.

domestic failure


Yes, Confessions of a Domestic Failure.


I think I could have written some of it. I know I’ve felt some of it and have definitely lived some of it.


As moms, we put so many demands and expectations on ourselves.  We compare ourselves to others. We want to be the best and most perfect mom in the world.


Who or what is to say what makes a mom THE perfect mom?  Facebook? Instagram?  Mommy bloggers? Celebrities?


I have three children, yet, I know I’m not a perfect mom. I don’t pretend to be.  I am messy. I yell. I forget. I may or may not stay in the bathroom longer than needed for just a small moment of privacy or sneak off with the last Little Debbie because, well, moms need sugar too.


This is not a book review, but if you want to laugh and cry and relate, then Mama, read the book.  This is, however, an invitation for you to be the mom God has called you to be. You see, I’m a different mom to my 3 boys. They need me in different ways. They have different personalities and needs and I meet those needs the best that I can.  I try to be the best wife I can be for my husband. I know his personality. I know his likes and dislikes. Although I don’t remember the last time I made the man a meatloaf.


I’ll be honest. There are days I have to rewash laundry because I don’t remember when I started the load. There are days I don’t wear make up and days I don’t brush my teeth until I realize they feel all gross. There are days I change from my nighttime pajamas into my daytime pajamas which may or may not turn in to my nighttime pajamas.  There are days I’d rather order pizza than cook a dish or go to the store.  There are days where I wonder what my life will be like in August when my son goes off to college and days I cry thinking about the big ol’ boy I was in labor with for 12 hours and wish for those days of snuggles and baby kisses.


I’m not the mom and wife that has it all together. I’m just trying to be the mom and wife God has called me to be for my children and husband.  And that’s all I can do.  I’m going to cherish my time with my family. I’m not going to wish it away. I’m going to make memories in the messy and crazy and sweet and tender moments of life.  As long as I get a hug or an “I love you” here and there, then I will know that I’m doing a good job.

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